When I check the solute transport benchmark, I see two different vtu files for boundaries, upstream and downstream. After creating the geometry, I use msh2vtu.py file (given in the tutorial) to convert my gmsh file to vtu. But it only makes one single file for boundary (mesh_MICP_bondary.vtu)
I try to assign a physical group for the left boundary (Point 1) and right boundary (Point 2), but I get an error like this. How can I get two different files for the left (influent or upstream) and right boundary (effluent or downstream)?
You can also find the files in the attached zip file.
As I assumed mainly meshes in 2D and 3D, I thought OGS thinks so too, and was lazy about 1D meshes. The physical groups are cell (element) properties but for a boundary in 1D there is no difference between point (node) and cell (element) as it is just a point. So I have not yet worked this out, I will put it on my TODO list. As workaround I propose open boundary.vtu with paraview, extract one point save it as A.vtu and extract the other point, again save it as B.vtu and use these vtu-files.
Hi,I follow your suggestions and extract two vtu file of each point with paraview. When face the choice of data format, I choose the appended way. But seems it didn’t work as something wrong with its “bulk_node_ids” which I added by calculator(little tool) of paraview. The command line expressed “error: The required bulk node ids map exists in the boundary mesh ‘calcite_upstream’ but has wrong data type (should be equivalent to C++ data type std::size_t which is an unsigned integer of size 8 or UInt64 in vtk terminology”.So can you help me solve this problem? I’m really looking forward to your reply.
Hi! I would recommend using the identifySubdomains to create the bulk_node_ids.
If you really want to do it by hand, you can set/change the VTK datatype manually in an editor.
The file probably needs to be saved first in ASCII format instead of appended.
Please allow me to ask another question.I‘m working on a project based on calcite benchmark, so I need to define initial concentration. Is there some way to define initial concentration based on different medium cause I got two different medium.
In general: please ask different questions in separate threads. This makes it easier for other people to find answers.
However, your topic was already discussed several times. Please search for how set Group (should be the easiest solution) or MeshElement/MeshNode parameters. There are also lot of benchmarks that use these parameter types.