$GEO_TYPE POLYLINE is not supported yet in PVD output. As Aaron suggest, you can set only DOMAIN there. On ParaView, you can extract values along a polyline using some filter.
Norihiro Watanabe, Dr.-Ing.
Geothermal Energy Team,
Renewable Energy Research Center
Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute (FREA),
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
2-2-9 Machiikedai, Koriyama, Fukushima 963-0298, Japan
TEL: +81 29 861 4463
FAX: +81 24 963 0828
EMAIL: [email protected]
URL: 産総研:福島再生可能エネルギー研究所
From: [email protected] [email protected] On Behalf Of Mohammad Islam
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2018 4:33 AM
To: ogs-users [email protected]
Subject: [ogs-users] Re: 1D Heat Conduction
How about if you change, TECPLOT to PVD?
On Thursday, 22 March 2018 07:09:37 UTC-4, Guillaume Doudou FAYE wrote:
Dear OGS Users,
I am modeling a 1D steady state Heat conduction problem through a
multi-layer geological domain (between an inferred Magma chamber at
900deg C at the bottom of the domain and the surface; the layers of the
domain have different thermal properties).
Attached are my input files.
When I run the simulation using VTK in my .OUT file, I get no output at
the end.
When I use TECPLOT, An output is produced but it seems to be empty as I
fail to visualize it in Paraview.
I am using OGS 5.7.0 on windows.
If anyone has an idea about what I am getting wrong, please let me know.
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