Different materials


I have a question regarding OGS. Is it possible to change a material during a simulation?

Specifically, I want to simulate a pile within soil. Initially, I would like to apply geostatic stresses to the entire domain without the pile. After this step, I want to replace the material in the part of the model where the pile will be placed. Maybe is there some benchmark I haven’t been able to found where this is done?

Thank you for your help :smiley:

Hi María,
sounds like this could be done via a restart simulation. Run your initial simulation without the pile (i.e. the pile material group has the same material properties as the sourrounding material) and use the final result as the input mesh for the second simulation where you can specify different material properties for the pile.
There is a benchmark about restart simulations, although it is probably not that helpful link
The corresponding prj files are here.

Best regards,

Hi Florian,

Thanks for your answer. I tried to do it as you recommended, however I keep getting the following error:

Do you know how to solve it? I have my initial input file with two different MaterialIDS (but both materials are defined with the same parameters) and then I just took the output file and set it as my new mesh.

Seems like the MaterialIDs field is not written to the results of the initial simulation. Make sure to have it present in the <variables> tag, or leave if completely empty to output everything. Then MaterialIDs should be present in the resulting vtu’s.
Best, Florian

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Thanks, I was able to do it now :grin: :grin: :grin: