Error message CO2 leakage

Hi All,
When I am running the attached problem, there is an error message

"Error in CFluidProperties::SaturationCapillaryPressureFunction: no valid material model."

I checked the rf_mmp_new.cpp file & in line number 4870, the message has been declared.

The domain is located 1000 m below the ground surface. The pressure gradient of the brine is 10459.81 Pa/m. The domain depth is 70m. Therefore brine pressure at top and bottom are 10459.81 1000 and 10459.81*1070 Pa respectively. The CO2 injection rate is 8.87 kg/s and duration is 2000 days. The domain capillary pressure is 1e4 Pa.

Any co-operation will be appreciable.



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The previous error has been solved. Now it looks solver related issue.

Time step: 1| Time: 0.0001| Time step size: 0.0001

emi.bc (1.8 KB)

emi.gli (1.16 KB)

emi.ic (560 Bytes)

emi.mfp (627 Bytes)

emi.mmp (2.12 KB)

emi.msh (499 KB)

emi.num (725 Bytes)

emi.out (2.28 KB)

emi.pcs (170 Bytes)

emi.rfd (241 Bytes) (243 Bytes)

emi.tim (293 Bytes)

emi.msp.txt (818 Bytes)





PCS non-linear iteration: 0/25

Assembling equation system…

Calling linear solver…

SpBICGSTAB iteration: 5001/5000

Warning in CRFProcess::ExecuteLinearSolver() - Maximum iteration number reached

–>End of PICARD iteration: 0/25

PCS error DOF[0]: 0

PCS error DOF[1]: 0

->Euclidian norm of unknowns: 1.#QNAN

This step is rejected: Redo, with a new time step.

Any idea, regarding the “Euclidian norm of unknowns: 1.#QNAN

