FlowRate BC for LiquidFlow

Dear All,
I am running a simple 1D problem with the LiquidFlow Module of OGS.


On the left boundary (inlet), I am applying a curve scaled Flow Rate BC, and on the right boundary (outlet) I am applying a pressure BC (p=0 MPa).

When plotting the flow rate over time at the inlet in ParaView, the resulting curve (blue and red) does not fit the expected curve (orange).

When using a constant flow rate, the result was similar:

Does anyone has a suggestion for this problem?

Implementation of the FlowRate BC at Inlet

	<coords>1 80000 80001 6000000</coords>
	<values>1e-9 1e-9 0.5e-9 0.5e-9</values>

Whole .prj-file configuration:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
    <!-- <meshes>
    </meshes> -->
            <!-- <dimension>1</dimension> -->
                <secondary_variable internal_name="darcy_velocity" output_name="v"/>
                <!-- <secondary_variable internal_name="k" output_name="k"/> -->
            <!-- <mass_lumping>true</mass_lumping> -->
        <medium id="0">
                            <value>1.006e-3 </value>
                <!-- <property>
                </property> -->
        <!--  <medium id="1">
                            <value>1.006e-3 </value>
        </medium> -->
            <process ref="LiquidFlow">
                    <!-- <t_end>10000</t_end>  -->
            <fixed_output_times>1 5e3 10e3  80e3 100e3 140e3 160e3</fixed_output_times> 
        <!-- Model parameters -->
            <!-- <value>1e5</value> -->
            <!-- <value>1e5</value> -->
            <!-- <value>2e6</value> -->
        <!-- Pressure curve -->
        <!-- <curve>
            <coords>1 80000 80001 6000000</coords>
            <values>1e+06 1e+06 0.5e+06 0.5e+06</values>
        </curve>  -->
            <coords>1 80000 80001 6000000</coords>
            <values>1e-9 1e-9 0.5e-9 0.5e-9</values>
        <!-- <curve>
            <coords>1 50    51        70000   70001   90000  90001 140000  140001  500e3</coords>
            <values>0 0     1.5e-9    1.5e-9   0      0     0.5e-9 0.5e-9   0       0</values>
        </curve> -->
<!--        Version with .vtu meshes    
            </boundary_conditions> -->
<!-- Version with GMESH -->
            <!-- <source_terms>
            </source_terms> -->
    <!-- Setting from Embedded Fracture Modell -->
    <!--     <nonlinear_solvers>
            <lis>-i SparseLU -p ilu -tol 1e-8 -maxiter 10000</lis>
    </linear_solvers> -->
    <!-- ============================================================= -->
    <!-- Setting from Liquid Flow: -->
            <lis>-i cg -p jacobi -tol 1e-20 -maxiter 10000</lis>
                <parameters>-lf_ksp_type cg -lf_pc_type bjacobi -lf_ksp_rtol 1e-16 -lf_ksp_max_it 10000</parameters>


Solution: Updating OGS

After updating OGS to the latest version (6.4.1), the evolution of the VolumetricFlowRate at the inlet looks as expected. :sweat_smile:

Maybe this thread might still help someone else. :smile: