GINA Version 3.24

Dear OGS User and Developer

You can download the GINA_OGS Version 3.24 from this folder:!folder=68;

Changes in this Version:

Export GLI-Points to Tecplot-File

Import VRML-Files (tested with GINA and RHINO Export)

Convert OGS Geometry-Files (GLI/GML)

- Put convertGEO.exe to your GINA Directory

Convert VTK/VTU to OGS Mesh and OGS Mesh to VTK/VTU

- Put OGS2VTK.EXE and VTK2OGS.EXE to your GINA Directory

Import and Export ASCII VTK/VTU Files

RFD-File - load #CURVE and #CURVES

GMSH Meshing - Compound Surfaces - use a Volume-File for tetraeder meshing

Save Comments after STOP Command by IC,BC,ST,OUT,TIM

Best regards