How to generate some .vtu files?

Hi. Everyone.
I have some questions about the .vtu file to consult. Through the tutorial video, I’ve mastered how to generate the mesh_basin_domain.vtu file. But about another .vtu files, I have some questions. For example, in cases Wetland (Tests/Data/Parabolic/ComponentTransport/ReactiveTransport/Wetland · master · ogs / ogs · GitLab) or KineticReactant_AllAsComponents (Tests/Data/Parabolic/ComponentTransport/ReactiveTransport/KineticReactant_AllAsComponents · master · ogs / ogs · GitLab), i don’t know how to generate the Wetland_1d.vtu, KineticReactant2.vtu and KineticReactant2_2d.vtu. How can i generate these files ?Do i need any OGStools?
Thank you for your help. I look forward to get your reply. :slight_smile:

Lingxiang Wang

Hi Lingxiang,

Wetland_1d.vtu and KineticReactant2.vtu are 1D meshes with uniform element sizes. They can be generated, e.g., with the generateStructuredMesh, something like:

generateStructuredMesh -o mesh.vtu -e line --lx 3 --nx 50

KineticReactant2_2d.vtu is an unstructured mesh. It can be generated, e.g., with Gmsh. The Gmsh output can be converted to files suitable for OGS, e.g., with msh2vtu from our emerging ogstools Python package.

After the mesh creation steps you might have to specify materal groups, i.e., assign MaterialIDs. And for boundary and meshes additional steps are necessary, cf. the subdomain meshing section in our tool documentation.

The documentation of our tools is being improved, currently.
Soon, there will be a tutorial covering many aspects. You might already want to take a look at the current status: Merge Request !4457, tutorial preview (note: the second link might break, soon, because it’s only a preview.)

Hello chleh,
Thank you for your reply. It’s so useful for me. I’m going to start working from the direction you provided.


Hi chleh,

I don’t know how to assign MaterialIDs.

In Mesh Tutorial,the Bulk mesh does not contain data.

This was discussed, e.g., here: How can I add properties in 1D .Vtu file? - #5 by joergbuchwald