I am trying to simulate the precipitaiton-dissolution problem and in that case I tried to the follow the CO2 injection benchmark.
Instead of CO2 I tried to inject CaS and also changed other elements but each time I am getting Convergence or negetive concentration error. I tried every possible way I found here to fix the problem but failed.
I am attaching the elements list I used and error message. Please suggest me some way out of the problem. Thank you.
did you check if you get any negative concentrations if you switch off the reaction entirely?
You seem to have advection in the system. That can lead to oscillations in the FEM solution even without chemical reactions.
You probably should fix these oscillations first before adding chemical reactions to you model.
One option for that is numerical stabilization. You can check the following and the linked prj files therein:
Dear Sir,
Firstly, thank you so much for your respond.
I just tried without reaction and it worked without any error. So, the problem is in chemical system I guess. My plan was to follow the calcite precipitation-dissolution benchmark and the conceptual idea I have attached.
Beside, I attached the .prj file I prepared for the work. Please have a look. I will be looking forward to learn from you.
Thank you again.
You wrote that without reaction OGS can solve the problem.
But do you get negative concentrations anywhere in your solution without concentration? If that’s the case, I guess there will always be the error message from OGS. Unfortunately my knowledge of Phreeqc and how to use it with OGS is very limited and I cannot really help, sorry.
Generic advice would be: if you get negative concentrations without reaction, try to overcome them first. One possibility might be to gradually ramp up the Dirichlet BC for S(+6).