I have problem in msh2vtu

Thank you for the tips you gave
It doesn’t work on my laptop, is it possible to disturb you whenever I need msh2vtu?

Hello, I also tried with Linux, but it still gives the same error to install msh2vtu
(ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement msh2vtu (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for msh2vtu)
Please help me to install it because my thesis is not progressing
Thank you

Again, msh2vtu is now part of the ogstools package and you can install it with:

pip install ogstools
# ...
msh2vtu --help

Hi all,
I read and followed the instructions that you indicated to mohammad and I got this:

pip install ogstools
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement ogstools (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for ogstools

Of course, I have compiled and worked with ogs, python and msh2vtv a few months ago.

Many thanks for you kind reply.


ogstools requires at least Python 3.9. Maybe you have an older Python version?

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I have tried everything. If possible, we can have a Skype meeting

Thank you very much bilke. That was the problem. Even I had to update ubuntu version.

I want to use msh2vtu but I can’t. May I ask what you do?
I have a 3D mesh for which I have defined some physical properties that should be converted to vtu
Can you tell me the steps you take so that I can see where my problem is?


I followed the above instructions. Even I had to install ubuntu 22.04 and checked that I had version 10 of python.
About windows I couldn’t say anything

I have the same problem in ubuntu

Can you explain what you are doing so I can see what my problem is

Hi, @mohammad. I was following an old tutorial([Complete workflow for simulating a geological model with time and space dependent boundary conditions (advancing glacier)] that required using msh2vtu. However, it’s also mentioned that msh2vtu has been moved to ogstools.

Here is how I resolved a similar issue:
After installing ogstools via pip install ogstools, I simply run msh2vtu mesh_basin.msh. That worked and the necessary files were generated into my working directory.

Hope that helps