OGS V5.3.03

Hi there,

the new OGS Version 5.3.03 by LB/TF/KR/NB/JOD is finished.
It includes functionality to add logger data from climate stations as source terms and imports the groundwater bilance from OGS V.4.11 into OGS5.
We also included a small XML-Library (RapidXML) so XML data can now be read and used in the simulation part (this is already employed for Norberts climate data functionality)

Complete release notes as usual are available at:

Take care



Dr. Karsten Rink
Department of Environmental Informatics
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Permoserstrasse 15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany
Tel: +49(0)-341-235-1067
e-mail: [email protected]