OGS5 -Modelling BHE-System

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

In the last few days I had been dealing with BHE systems. I wanted to construct and simulate a model using OGS5. I used the book GeoenergyModelling2_ShallowGeothermalSystems to help me. I used the examples to construct my own system. Unfortunately, I have problems when running the simulation; the simulation breaks off and there is also no error message. I have added the input files and screenshots. Unfortunately, I can’t get any further from this point on, as I lack experience in this area. I would be happy if someone from the community would be willing to tackle the problem and help me.

Yours sincerely,


Dear Kiratli,

I recommend you to use OGS6 HeatTranpsortBHE process instead of OGS5. Please refer to the website: Heat Transport BHE

Best regards,

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Dear Achi,

Thanks a lot for your interest in the BHE module. Unfortunately we are not maintaining the OGS5 version anymore. All BHE related features listed in the Springer book have been transferred to the 6 version.

Besides the web pages mentioned by Chaofan, please write an Email to me ([email protected]). We have a set of material which was prepared for a two-day training course earlier this year on this topic. We will send you the download link if you are interested.


Dear Haibing.

Regarding this topic, I also need to get the download link for a two-day training course.
Could you send that my email address?
[email protected]


Dear Yoon,

Just replied your Email.


Dear Haibing
Thanks very for your kind reply and guide for this.
Best regards,