OGSTools 0.5.0 released!

We are happy to announce the release of OGSTools 0.5.0!


OGSTools 0.5.0 Release Notes

  • Recommended OGS Version: 6.5.4
  • Python support: 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13

API breaking changes

  • FeflowModel-class introduced:
    • FeflowModel.mesh → to get the mesh with all FEFLOW properties, replaces feflowlib.convert_properties_mesh()
    • FeflowModel.ogs_bulk_mesh → to get the mesh with only materialIDs
    • FeflowModel.subdomains → access the boundary conditions and the source terms of the FEFLOW model, replaces feflowlib.extract_point_boundary_conditions(), feflowlib.extract_cell_boundary_conditions()
    • FeflowModel.process → see the process to be simulated
    • FeflowModel.material_properties → access the material_properties, replaces feflowlib.get_material_properties_of_H_model(), feflowlib.get_material_properties_of_HT_model(), feflowlib.get_material_properties_of_CT_model()
    • FeflowModel.project → access the project file
    • FeflowModel.setup_prj() → create the project file, replaces feflowlib.setup_prj_file()
    • FeflowModel.save() → save the mesh, subdomain, and the project-file
    • FeflowModel.run() → run the FEFLOW model in OGS
  • MeshSeries.data → MeshSeries.values
  • MeshSeries.clear → MeshSeries.clear_cache
  • In aggregate functions func str is replaced by callables (e.g. numpy.min)
  • meshlib.gmsh_meshing.remesh_with_triangle → meshlib.gmsh_meshing.remesh_with_triangles
  • msh2vtu python interface was replaced with meshes_from_gmsh
    • CLI tool msh2vtu is not affected by this
    • parameter keep_ids was removed (in our OGS world there is no reason to keep the gmsh data names and the wrong data types in the meshes, which would happen if k was used)
    • parameter log_level was changed to log (True or False)
  • removed:
    • MeshSeries.spatial_data_unit/spatial_output_unit/time_unit (see MeshSeries.scale())
    • plot.linesample/linesample_contourf
    • meshlib.data_processing.interp_points/distance_in_profile/sample_polyline (see updated line sample example)


  • FeflowModel: fix material_properties for HT process
  • FeflowModel: could not convert mixed celltypes in FEFLOW mesh
  • Failed sub library imports led to incomplete and unhandled package import
  • MeshSeries was unable to handle xdmf with just one timestep correctly
  • MeshSeries kept the hdf5 file handle open - parallel read access was not possible
  • OMP_NUM_THREADS was not working on Windows
  • plot functions had sometimes different color schemes in the color bar
  • Tortuosity was not a medium property
  • BHE mesh (z coordinate negative)


  • FeflowModel: heterogeneous material properties are now saved on the mesh and not a separate mesh
  • FeflowModel: allow generic creation of project files for unsupported processes to have a proposal of a project file, which needs to be modified manually to have working OGS model
  • FeflowModel: allow configuration of time stepping and error tolerance for all processes
  • FeflowModel: use materialIDs from FEFLOW-user-data, if defined
  • MeshSeries gets copy() method.
  • MeshSeries gets transform() method, that applies an arbitrary transformation function to all time steps.
  • MeshSeries get extract() method to select points or cells via ids
  • MeshSeries can be sliced to get new MeshSeries with the selected subset of timesteps
  • MeshSeries gets a modify function that applies arbitrary function to all timestep - meshes.
  • MeshSeries gets a save function (only for pvd implemented yet)
  • difference() between two meshes is now possible even with different topologies
  • Project write_input, path can be specified
  • MeshSeries gets scale() method to scale spatially or temporally
  • variables.get_preset will now return a Variable corresponding to the spatial coordinates if given “x”, “y” or “z”
  • plot module gets line() function as a general purpose 1D plotting function
  • plot.setup get spatial_unit and time_unit which are used for labeling


  • Python 3.13 support (CI testing)
  • Testing of all supported Python version 3.10-3.13 (pip and conda)
  • Testing with pinned dependencies in regression tests and with open dependencies in maintenance tests
  • msh2vtu - complete overhaul


  • All examples use import ogstools as ot. To not be confused with ogs python bindings
  • New examples to show post-conversion modifications of FEFLOW model(modify boundary conditions and project-file)
