OpenGeoSys 6.3.2 released!

:beers: OpenGeoSys 6.3.2 released! :beers:

This is the first release after the GitLab migration!




We have migrated to GitLab (issue 2947 on GitHub)! See GitLab migration guide.

The source code license was slightly modified, PR 2977 on GitHub!


Process’ changes

  • Reactive transport process: perform chemical calculation on the integration points !3017, !3018, !3019
  • HeatConduction; Add Newton assembly and mass lumping. Results of the mass-lumping are discussed on the benchmarks web page. !3045


  • Implementation of primary variable constraint Dirichlet-type boundary condition !3014
  • Add the PETSc-SNES non-linear solver to possible list of solvers. This is still experimental feature. !3049

New tools

  • Rename AddTopLayer to AddLayer (tool can also add bottom layer) !3015


Version info

  • tfel-3.3.0

There is a 404 error when trying to download OGS 6.3.2 benchmark input files from the releases page. Is there an easy way to download all the benchmark files, or should I search for them individually in GitLab?

EDIT: This is now also deployed to the web site.

Thanks for pointing this out! I fixed it but it is not deployed to the web site yet. But you can simply go to

And follow the instructions on how to download subdirectories.

Or if you just want all benchmarks:

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