I am quite new to using OpenGeoSys & trying to run this benchmark using jupyterlab in a conda environment
I downloaded the 3D_Beier_sandbox directory from gitlab but i am encountering an error from just loading the project
import ogstools as ot
import os
out_dir = Path(os.environ.get("OGS_TESTRUNNER_OUT_DIR", "_out"))
if not out_dir.exists():
model = ot.Project(input_file="beier_sandbox.prj", output_file="beier_sandbox.prj")
I am getting a attribute error
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[5], line 1
----> 1 model = ot.Project(input_file="beier_sandbox.prj", output_file="beier_sandbox.prj")
AttributeError: module 'ogstools' has no attribute 'Project'