Problems about RichardsComponentTransport

Hi, all

I want build a model for coupling unsaturated and saturated zones and involving kinetic reactions between unsaturated and saturated zones. But I don’t know what is the should I chose, I had seen the type of RichardsComponentTransport and ComponentTransport, and can one *prj file contains two types or should I make two *prj file?

Also, I want to ask can unsaturated kinetic reactions be coupled to PHREEQC? before I had tried to couple with PHREEQC, it hint me “The specified type of the process to be solved is not component transport process so that water chemistry calculation could not be activated”. I did’t know how to solve it.

Best Regards

Dear Xiaowen,

Thanks for your interest in OGS. This message "The specified type of the process to be solved is not component transport process so that water chemistry calculation could not be activated” is appearing because at the present moment RichardComponentTransport is not coupled with reactions (phreeqc). We are working on this, so soon this feature will be available.

(Only reactions in saturated porous media can be model with OGS-6 at the present moment)

I hope this helps you
Best regards

Dear Vanessa,

I got it, thank you very much for your help.

Best Regards

Dear Vanessa,

By the way, I’d like to ask another question that can a *PRJ file contain two process for my coupling unsaturated and saturated zones model?

Thank you in advance!