Hi all,
I want to realize a uniform gradient initial permeability distribution from fractured area to intact rock in EGS in OGS6. My idea is to set enough different volume physical groups around the injection and production well and set different uniform permeabilities respectively to realize an approximate uniform gradient distribution. However, it seems to cost too much effort. Is there any other easier way to realize it, like a gradient function? Can somebody give me some clues about this problem. I will be very glad.
Hi @joergbuchwald ,
I have tried the first way you provided but met some problems, My model is three-dimensional so that the permeability is a 3*3 tensor. If it is set as a Constant-type parameter the command lines are like:
However, the result reports an error with a parallel computing version:
[4] info: Initialize processes.
[9] info: Initialize processes.
[0] info: Initialize processes.
[2] info: Initialize processes.
[3] info: Initialize processes.
[5] info: Initialize processes.
[6] info: Initialize processes.
[1] info: Initialize processes.
[8] info: Initialize processes.
[7] info: Initialize processes.
[4] critical: /mnt/e/ogs-petsc-mfront-version/ogs/ParameterLib/FunctionParameter.h:119 operator()()
[1] critical: /mnt/e/ogs-petsc-mfront-version/ogs/ParameterLib/FunctionParameter.h:119 operator()()
[3] critical: /mnt/e/ogs-petsc-mfront-version/ogs/ParameterLib/FunctionParameter.h:119 operator()()
[0] critical: /mnt/e/ogs-petsc-mfront-version/ogs/ParameterLib/FunctionParameter.h:119 operator()()
[2] critical: /mnt/e/ogs-petsc-mfront-version/ogs/ParameterLib/FunctionParameter.h:119 operator()()
[5] critical: /mnt/e/ogs-petsc-mfront-version/ogs/ParameterLib/FunctionParameter.h:119 operator()()
[9] critical: /mnt/e/ogs-petsc-mfront-version/ogs/ParameterLib/FunctionParameter.h:119 operator()()
[7] critical: /mnt/e/ogs-petsc-mfront-version/ogs/ParameterLib/FunctionParameter.h:119 operator()()
[6] critical: /mnt/e/ogs-petsc-mfront-version/ogs/ParameterLib/FunctionParameter.h:119 operator()()
[8] critical: /mnt/e/ogs-petsc-mfront-version/ogs/ParameterLib/FunctionParameter.h:119 operator()()
[7] warning: There are still 2 global vectors in use. This might be an indicator of a possible waste of memory.
[6] warning: There are still 2 global vectors in use. This might be an indicator of a possible waste of memory.
[1] warning: There are still 2 global vectors in use. This might be an indicator of a possible waste of memory.
[2] warning: There are still 2 global vectors in use. This might be an indicator of a possible waste of memory.
[9] warning: There are still 2 global vectors in use. This might be an indicator of a possible waste of memory.
[3] warning: There are still 2 global vectors in use. This might be an indicator of a possible waste of memory.
[5] warning: There are still 2 global vectors in use. This might be an indicator of a possible waste of memory.
[4] warning: There are still 2 global vectors in use. This might be an indicator of a possible waste of memory.
[0] warning: There are still 2 global vectors in use. This might be an indicator of a possible waste of memory.
[8] warning: There are still 2 global vectors in use. This might be an indicator of a possible waste of memory.
[2] error: FunctionParameter: The spatial position has to be set by coordinates.
[1] error: FunctionParameter: The spatial position has to be set by coordinates.
[1] info: OGS terminated on 2022-11-26 22:07:38+0800.
[1] error: OGS terminated with error.
[2] info: OGS terminated on 2022-11-26 22:07:38+0800.
[2] error: OGS terminated with error.
[3] error: FunctionParameter: The spatial position has to be set by coordinates.
[5] error: FunctionParameter: The spatial position has to be set by coordinates.
[3] info: OGS terminated on 2022-11-26 22:07:38+0800.
[3] error: OGS terminated with error.
[5] info: OGS terminated on 2022-11-26 22:07:38+0800.
[5] error: OGS terminated with error.
[7] error: FunctionParameter: The spatial position has to be set by coordinates.
[9] error: FunctionParameter: The spatial position has to be set by coordinates.
[7] info: OGS terminated on 2022-11-26 22:07:38+0800.
[7] error: OGS terminated with error.
[9] info: OGS terminated on 2022-11-26 22:07:38+0800.
[9] error: OGS terminated with error.
[6] error: FunctionParameter: The spatial position has to be set by coordinates.
[6] info: OGS terminated on 2022-11-26 22:07:38+0800.
[6] error: OGS terminated with error.
[4] error: FunctionParameter: The spatial position has to be set by coordinates.
[0] error: FunctionParameter: The spatial position has to be set by coordinates.
[0] info: OGS terminated on 2022-11-26 22:07:38+0800.
[4] info: OGS terminated on 2022-11-26 22:07:38+0800.
[4] error: OGS terminated with error.
[0] error: OGS terminated with error.
[8] error: FunctionParameter: The spatial position has to be set by coordinates.
[8] info: OGS terminated on 2022-11-26 22:07:38+0800.
[8] error: OGS terminated with error.
It seems that the function of permeability has some problems in expression but I don’t know what it is…Could you give me some advice? Thank you!
It seems to be not yet implemented for the process you used. (It know, it should work at least for THM, TR and TRM I guess) You could open an issue on the gitlab.
But you could use the MeshElement parameter instead. This should still work, especially if your not doing parameter sweeps.
Hi joerg,
a little upset to hear that this has not been implemented to the process. Actually, I use the TH2M module and I will open an issue in the gitlab.
For the MeshElement parameter, I have read the second link you provided and download the code from github. I have not used the ogs6py as a python interface before so I want to know how to get ogs6py? Do I have to recompile the OGS source code again and change some options using ccmake? Or are there any relevant documentations on the website for me to get some help? I hope you can give me some advice. Thank you!
The interesting part in the notebook was just an example to create an Cell array in the VTU file from a python function depending x,y,z using VTUinterface. You can of course use pyVista, MeshIO or Paraview instead if you know it better. There is no need to recompile or set a special option in cmake. Just create a cell array in the vtu file using the tool of your choice and read it in as MeshElement parameter as done here Tests/Data/Elliptic/nonuniform_bc_SteadyStateDiffusion/inhomogeneous_permeability.prj · master · ogs / ogs · GitLab
Thanks for your reply. I am sorry to forget sharing the permeability distribution I want to realize . It is like figure 1 drawn by matlab, which is complex. I have divided the bulk mesh into 6 materials as figure 2 shows in Paraview. If I use Paraview I think “Calculator” is a good choice but it cannot set the distribution by MaterialIDs. So are there any possibilty to realize such complex permeability distribution in Paraview? (Maybe some division and merge operations?) Or I have to use other tools?
Hi @joergbuchwald
I have installed VTUinterface and successfully imported a heterogeneous permeability as an element property. Since my model is 3D so I think the expression should be [kxx, kyy, kzz, kxy, kyz, kxz], 6 components in total, right? Actually I didn’t know permeability is a cell property until now…Thank you very much! But I still have some question. I will appreciate it very much if you could spend some of your precious time to read my following text.
Now I am considering a similar porosity distribution which should match the permeability in my opinion. Porosity is a nodal property so I set “cell=False”(which is default) to get a similar distribution of porosity. In this way I think the MeshNode Parameter is correct for the input. The code is like:
critical: /mnt/e/ogs-petsc-mfront-version/ogs/ParameterLib/MeshNodeParameter.h:51 operator()()
[2] critical: /mnt/e/ogs-petsc-mfront-version/ogs/ParameterLib/MeshNodeParameter.h:51 operator()()
[4] critical: /mnt/e/ogs-petsc-mfront-version/ogs/ParameterLib/MeshNodeParameter.h:51 operator()()
[5] critical: /mnt/e/ogs-petsc-mfront-version/ogs/ParameterLib/MeshNodeParameter.h:51 operator()()
[7] critical: /mnt/e/ogs-petsc-mfront-version/ogs/ParameterLib/MeshNodeParameter.h:51 operator()()
[9] critical: /mnt/e/ogs-petsc-mfront-version/ogs/ParameterLib/MeshNodeParameter.h:51 operator()()
[3] critical: /mnt/e/ogs-petsc-mfront-version/ogs/ParameterLib/MeshNodeParameter.h:51 operator()()
[1] critical: /mnt/e/ogs-petsc-mfront-version/ogs/ParameterLib/MeshNodeParameter.h:51 operator()()
[6] critical: /mnt/e/ogs-petsc-mfront-version/ogs/ParameterLib/MeshNodeParameter.h:51 operator()()
[8] critical: /mnt/e/ogs-petsc-mfront-version/ogs/ParameterLib/MeshNodeParameter.h:51 operator()()
[8] warning: There are still 2 global vectors in use. This might be an indicator of a possible waste of memory.
[7] warning: There are still 2 global vectors in use. This might be an indicator of a possible waste of memory.
[0] warning: There are still 2 global vectors in use. This might be an indicator of a possible waste of memory.
[5] warning: There are still 2 global vectors in use. This might be an indicator of a possible waste of memory.
[9] warning: There are still 2 global vectors in use. This might be an indicator of a possible waste of memory.
[3] warning: There are still 2 global vectors in use. This might be an indicator of a possible waste of memory.
[4] warning: There are still 2 global vectors in use. This might be an indicator of a possible waste of memory.
[6] warning: There are still 2 global vectors in use. This might be an indicator of a possible waste of memory.
[2] warning: There are still 2 global vectors in use. This might be an indicator of a possible waste of memory.
[1] warning: There are still 2 global vectors in use. This might be an indicator of a possible waste of memory.
[5] error: Trying to access a MeshNodeParameter but the node id is not specified.
[3] error: Trying to access a MeshNodeParameter but the node id is not specified.
[5] info: OGS terminated on 2022-12-02 18:12:31+0800.
[5] error: OGS terminated with error.
[0] error: Trying to access a MeshNodeParameter but the node id is not specified.
[3] info: OGS terminated on 2022-12-02 18:12:31+0800.
[3] error: OGS terminated with error.
[0] info: OGS terminated on 2022-12-02 18:12:31+0800.
[0] error: OGS terminated with error.
[9] error: Trying to access a MeshNodeParameter but the node id is not specified.
[9] info: OGS terminated on 2022-12-02 18:12:31+0800.
[8] error: Trying to access a MeshNodeParameter but the node id is not specified.
[9] error: OGS terminated with error.
[8] info: OGS terminated on 2022-12-02 18:12:31+0800.
[8] error: OGS terminated with error.
[7] error: Trying to access a MeshNodeParameter but the node id is not specified.
[7] info: OGS terminated on 2022-12-02 18:12:31+0800.
[7] error: OGS terminated with error.
[4] error: Trying to access a MeshNodeParameter but the node id is not specified.
[1] error: Trying to access a MeshNodeParameter but the node id is not specified.
[1] info: OGS terminated on 2022-12-02 18:12:31+0800.
[1] error: OGS terminated with error.
[4] info: OGS terminated on 2022-12-02 18:12:31+0800.
[4] error: OGS terminated with error.
[6] error: Trying to access a MeshNodeParameter but the node id is not specified.
[6] info: OGS terminated on 2022-12-02 18:12:31+0800.
[6] error: OGS terminated with error.
[2] error: Trying to access a MeshNodeParameter but the node id is not specified.
[2] info: OGS terminated on 2022-12-02 18:12:31+0800.
[2] error: OGS terminated with error.
It seems that node id is lost in my bulk mesh. However, I am sure I added the bulk node id in the bulk mesh and partitioned_node_properties_cfg10.bin file truly exists for the bulk mesh. When I use VTUinterface I noticed that the newly created mesh often has a small memory than the original mesh. Is there any relationship between the lost of memory and the lost of node id? I hope you could give me some advice about the error and the lost of memory of the new mesh.
Best regards,
Yes, 6 component for a symetric tensor.
Usually, material properties live on the elements and primary and secondary variables on the nodes.
Therefore, porosity should also be an element property. This is very likely the reason why node id is not specified.
I have set porosity as an element property and the distribution of permeability and porosity has been imported successfully. It is very kind of you to help me out so much. Thank you!