Switching OpenGeoSys-5 to Git

Important OGS-5 version control changes

Dear OpenGeoSys developer and user,

with the release of OpenGeoSys version 5.7 we switched to Git and GitHub as the primary version control system and collaboration platform.

OpenGeoSys 5.7 is the first OGS-5 version which is fully open-source (no proprietary code, source code license) and consists of 3 git-repositories:

For more info please check out the new developer guide.


  • Fully open-source
  • Transparent development process on GitHub with assistance and code reviews by OGS core developers
  • Git is fast and flexible, works offline

Git and GitHub

To get started in GitHub and Git have a look at the following general tutorials:


Dear OGS users and developers,

As Lars announced last month, we started using GitHub as a development platform of OGS5. Since GitHub provides not only the version control but also issue tracking, you can report bugs and feature requests there (https://github.com/ufz/ogs5/issues\).

For those who are interested in the code development, keep your eyes on pull requests (https://github.com/ufz/ogs5/pulls\). For example, currently there are PRs suggesting using of clang-format and reorganization of CMake options. We would appreciate your contributions on discussions and code review (of course, also submission of PRs).

Have a nice weekend,
Best regards,


On 02/12/2016 03:27 PM, Lars Bilke wrote:

  Important OGS-5 version control changes

Dear OpenGeoSys developer and user,

with the release of OpenGeoSys version 5.7 we switched to Git and GitHub
as the primary version control system and collaboration platform.

OpenGeoSys 5.7 is the first OGS-5 version which is fully open-source (no
proprietary code, source code license) and consists of 3 git-repositories:

  * ufz/ogs5 <https://github.com/ufz/ogs5&gt;
  * ufz/ogs5-benchmarks <https://github.com/ufz/ogs5-benchmarks&gt;
  * ufz/ogs5-benchmarks_ref <https://github.com/ufz/ogs5-benchmarks_ref&gt;

We will not shut down the Subversion version control system but we will
accept contributions via GitHub Pull Requests
<https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests/&gt; only. Also feel
free to ask us for help if you run into an issues related to Git.

For more info please check out the new developer guide


  * Fully open-source
      o Publish in open access journals
      o Citable code <GitHub Docs;
  * Transparent development process on GitHub with assistance and code
    reviews by OGS core developers
  * Git is fast and flexible, works offline

    Git and GitHub

To get started in GitHub and Git have a look at the following general

  * GitHub - Hello World <GitHub Docs;
  * GitHub - Forking Projects
    <GitHub Docs;
  * GitHub - Contributing to Open Source
    <GitHub Docs;


  * Learn version control with Git
    <Learn Git with Our Free Online Book | Learn Version Control with Git;
  * Interactive Git tutorial <Set up Git - GitHub Docs;

Some good graphical git clients:

  * SourceTree <https://www.sourcetreeapp.com/&gt; (all platforms)
  * GitHub Desktop <https://desktop.github.com/&gt; (Windows / Mac)

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Norihiro Watanabe, Dr.-Ing.
Department of Environmental Informatics (ENVINF)

Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH - UFZ
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH - UFZ
Permoserstraße 15 / 04318 Leipzig / Germany

norihiro.watanabe@ufz.de / http://www.ufz.de
Telefon +49 341 235 1806

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