Times series precipitation for input

Good morning.
I’m trying to simulate GROUNDWATER_FLOW on 3D domain which is similar to Ammer catchment in “Computational Hydrology 1”.
On page 70, groundwater recharge rate is implemented as source term for each node in “.asc” file.

Here’s the question.

  1. I want to assign the annual sum of groundwater recharge with varying values each year as a time series. I understand that this can be implemented using #CURVE in the .rfd file in OpenGeoSys. If possible, could you explain how to use this?

  2. If, I set the time unit to DAY in the .tim file, do I need to match the scaling factor accordingly in m³/day?

I am sincerely hoping for someone to respond. It’s disappointing that no one replies or gives advice whenever I post.

Dear Peter,

Regarding your first question you mave a look at the second tutorial book (https://ogsstorage.blob.core.windows.net/web/Books/Computational-Hydrology-II/CompHydroII-opt.pdf)
Section 5.3.2 describes the usage of #CURVE. There are example files provided, too
Regarding the second question, I am not sure, I suggest to use m³ /(m²*s) as unit for the source term. This is the approach which is also applied in the other tutorial books
Regarding your last comment, well I think the main reason for the poor response is that your question are all about OGS5 which is very outdated. Why not migrating your models to OGS6?
