Dear OGS-developers,
I'd like to announce that the new version 5.4.04 (YS, WW, NW) is
released and the trunk is unlocked now. The release note can be find
here .
This version is
aimed mostly at random
walk particle tracking (RWPT) process. Several functions were
according to the coordinates of where particles
being injected, check and update element index information at
time step 0 (before the RWPT displacement calculation); -
add a so called “two-rate model” for the
sorption-desorption process, which can be switched on by
adding a sub keyword “$APP_TYPE” in the pcs file and setting
the value as 2; -
clarify the property “identity” to state particle
status (0 stands for particles that can move freely, 1 for
absorbed ones, and 2 for filtered ones); -
boundary control function was developed for 2D
and 3D cases that particles will stick to the boundary surface
when trying to escape from the calculation domain; -
add a property “on_boundary” to indicate particle
position (0 stands for particles not stuck on the boundary
surface, 1 for on the boundary); -
count the number of particles that pass through a
certain point, which can be switched on by adding a sub
keyword “$COUNT” in the pcs file and setting the value as 1; -
RWPT can be coupled with different flow
processes, for example, Forchheimer flow regime.
Four benchmarks
were added:
Existing one: Harter (1D advection-dispersion
with sorption-desorption and decay; count the number of
particles that pass through the outlet point and compare the
breakthrough curve with the analytical solution) -
Existing one: Veri1000 (2D rectangular domain
with particle cloud distribution under advection-dispersion;
compare the distribution curve with analytical solution) -
Added: HomoCube (a cube domain with tetrahedral
mesh; homogeneous permeability)
Added: 2DGrains (2D rectangular domain with
discretized grains inside; grains are belonged to different
material groups; particles diffuse into the grains) -
Added: 3DGrain (a cube domain with one grain
inside which shows as a void space, thus boundary control is
applied on both grain and domain surface) -
Added: Forchheimer (1D transient flow; count the
number of particles that pass through the outlet point)
Best regards,
-- Yuanyuan Sun, PhD student
Building 7.2, room 205
Department of Environmental Informatics
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Permoserstrasse 15, 04318 Leipzig
Tel.: +49(0)341 /235-1478