version 5.4.04 released

Dear OGS-developers,

I'd like to announce that the new version 5.4.04 (YS, WW, NW) is

released and the trunk is unlocked now. The release note can be find
here .

      This version is

aimed mostly at random
walk particle tracking (RWPT) process. Several functions were

  •       according to the coordinates of where particles

    being injected, check and update element index information at
    time step 0 (before the RWPT displacement calculation);

  •       add a so called “two-rate model” for the

    sorption-desorption process, which can be switched on by
    adding a sub keyword “$APP_TYPE” in the pcs file and setting
    the value as 2;

  •       clarify the property “identity” to state particle

    status (0 stands for particles that can move freely, 1 for
    absorbed ones, and 2 for filtered ones);

  •       boundary control function was developed for 2D

    and 3D cases that particles will stick to the boundary surface
    when trying to escape from the calculation domain;

  •       add a property “on_boundary” to indicate particle

    position (0 stands for particles not stuck on the boundary
    surface, 1 for on the boundary);

  •       count the number of particles that pass through a

    certain point, which can be switched on by adding a sub
    keyword “$COUNT” in the pcs file and setting the value as 1;

  •       RWPT can be coupled with different flow

    processes, for example, Forchheimer flow regime.

    Four benchmarks

were added:

  •       Existing one: Harter (1D advection-dispersion

    with sorption-desorption and decay; count the number of
    particles that pass through the outlet point and compare the
    breakthrough curve with the analytical solution)

  •       Existing one: Veri1000 (2D rectangular domain

    with particle cloud distribution under advection-dispersion;
    compare the distribution curve with analytical solution)

  •       Added: HomoCube (a cube domain with tetrahedral

    mesh; homogeneous permeability)

  •       Added: 2DGrains (2D rectangular domain with

    discretized grains inside; grains are belonged to different
    material groups; particles diffuse into the grains)

  •       Added: 3DGrain (a cube domain with one grain

    inside which shows as a void space, thus boundary control is
    applied on both grain and domain surface)

  •       Added: Forchheimer (1D transient flow; count the

    number of particles that pass through the outlet point)
    Best regards,


-- Yuanyuan Sun, PhD student
Building 7.2, room 205
Department of Environmental Informatics
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Permoserstrasse 15, 04318 Leipzig
Tel.: +49(0)341 /235-1478

[email protected]