In summary, the above two model both have id="0" and id="1".
My question is: how to define the id="0" and id="1", since I do not see any clue in the ‘.prj’ file.
id=“0” “1” etc. in the pri file correspond to the MaterialIDs in your mesh vtu. For example, medium id=“3” in prj is the material with MaterialIDs=3 in mesh vtu. And constitutive_relation id=“1” in prj file is the constitutive relation for the material with MaterialIDs=1 in mesh vtu.
And these MaterialIDs are created corresponding to the physical groups defined in your Gmsh file.
Thanks for your help.
As you suggested, I try to find some keywords “MaterialLDs” in mesh vtu.
However, what I have found is not as we expected, shown as follows: